Lourdes Matha Spiritual Healing Retreat

Spiritual Healing Centre
Following the example of Divine HealerJesus Christ.who gave holistic healing to the people,we  concentrate not only on physical health of the people but in to the various issues that disturbe them .we do this by  leading them to the Eucharistic Lord and help them to experience the  healing touch of Jesus through Holy Mass,adoration,Pastoral Care,Retreats,Counselling and Prayers.
The Services available

  1. Pastoral Care-In the leadership of the hospital Chaplain the  patients are helped and prepared to receive Sacraments especially Confession,Holy Qurbana and Anointing of the sick.
  2. Mother Chantal Counselling centre and Suicide prevention Clinic

In view of dangerously increasing number of psychological problems and suicide tendencies of the people of various  age groups,we have arranged facilities, in the leadership of sisters for listening to their problems and giving proper direction with necessary treatment. This service is dedicated to our co-foundress Mother Chantal.who  always helped the poor and needy with t kindness and charitable acts .
3.52 days Spiritual healing Retreat
Spiritul Healing Retreat started inApril 2005 is guided by Sr.Dr.Bridgit Thekkumcherrikunnel SABS.It is a 52 day retreat for religious sisters from various congregations and an 8 day retreat for the laity.For each group follow up is also conducted in the months of May and December.Centred on Holy Qurbana we conduct 52 days direct retreat to help the religious  to meet the increasing challenges of the modern world.It is dedicated to our founder father Venerable Mar Thomas Kurialacherry.It was started in the year 2005.Weconduct 5 retreats per year providing facilities for 92  in a batch. 38 batches have completed so far-about 3700sisters and candidates in various stages of formation- from  about 50 congregations belonging to different  States and Rites, have attended the retreat .
4.Lourdes Matha  Angels Army  A sponsorship Programme for Unborn Children & Unbed Mothers.
       Inagurated by Syro Malabar Major Arch Bishop Mar George Alencherry on 26th  November 2011. 
“I have come inorder that you might have life- life in its fullness”.(Jn.10/10).Following the example of Jesus Christ we are dedicated to promote life from the moment of conception till the last breath. Aiming  that we  are already running a hospiece for the terminally ill. Now as we celeberate the Silver Jubilee of our Hospital we started a Sponsership programme for the Unborn children & unwed mothers in view of the increasing number of aborations among our people due to various reasons.we are determined to provide physical,Spiritual, Moral & monitary support to help them not to kill the Child, but to accept & bring them up as treasure God has entrusted to them.
You can also join  the “Save A Baby Programme & Adopt an Angel for your Family” ,in various  ways:-
1.      By your prayers- to prevent killing the children in mothers womb
        -  To Adopt the victims of aboration as your spiritual children.
        - For the reparation of those who commit the sin
2.Giving awareness  to the  people about the seriousness of this sin & the severity of the after effects  through generations.
3. By directing those who are planning for aborations due to various reasons who need help & support to our institution. We  are providing free Food & Accomodation, necessary care & Treatment including delivery & Cessarian sections, and will see to the future of the babies  too, for those who don’t want the child .
4. By contributing any amount for helping them by paying the Ac/No. 10435866288 SBI Edathua God will reward you for your kindness & Generosity.
  Retreats in the year  2012
52 days retreat
January 10th -March 1st
March10th -April 30th
June 10th -July 31st
52days participants
August 10th -September 30th
For Laity
March 1st -March 8th
May 1st - May 8th

Mob. 9497633236
      Email  drbridgitpacha@gmail.com